Causes of pain in finger joints and ways to eliminate them

Why?The causes of finger joint pain can be completely different, but the resulting problem is the same. It is an incredible discomfort, capable of poisoning your life, as it is with our hands that we make many movements during the day.

What to do?There are different ways to minimize pain. It is very difficult to completely eradicate the problem, but it is also possible. The main thing is to make a correct diagnosis with the help of specialists and select a treatment regimen. However, it is even more important not to neglect preventive measures.

The main causes of pain in the finger joints

Hand injuries

The pain caused by injuring a finger is quite mild and goes away quickly. True, not without consequences: hemorrhages, bruises, hyperemia or swelling may occur in the hematoma area. But the finger will function normally, with minor disturbances. A bruise on the finger of the palm is characterized by pain of moderate intensity and subsequent peeling of the skin (dark blood accumulates in the cavity).

Subungual hematomas are much more difficult to bear: they are accompanied by severe throbbing and spasmodic pain, which is felt especially when lowering the arm. After a bruise, the nail plate may peel off completely or partially.

hand injuries

Severe, explosive pain can be caused by a broken finger. These injuries are accompanied by sharp pains, which weaken a little, but do not disappear. The finger stops functioning normally, swells, turns into a continuous bruise, sometimes becomes pathologically immobile, becomes deformed (in the joints and not only) and makes crunching sounds. If you try to move the painful finger joint, it bounces and resists.

Frostbite on the hands is accompanied by slight tingling pain for the first few hours, which then increases and turns into burning. The finger turns bluish and swells. With severe frostbite, the distal parts lose sensitivity, the fingers become pale and remain cold, and pain is felt between the injured and healthy areas.

Infectious infections

The cause of rapidly increasing pain in the finger joint may be panaritium. An abscess forms, the finger swells, turns blue and hyperemia is observed. The nature of the pain is throbbing and spasmodic. It bothers the patient at night, especially if the felon develops under the nail or deep in the limb (tendon, bone, joint felon). Superficial forms of this disease (subcutaneous and cutaneous, peri- and subungual) do not particularly affect general well-being, but deep panaritium can cause fever and general intoxication.

infectious infections lead to osteoarthritis

A more exotic cause of finger joint pain is chinga. It affects people who cut up and process commercial marine animal carcasses. A small wound, crack or abrasion in the skin is enough for the infection to penetrate and affect the entire finger. The disease begins with a small dull pain at the site of the injury, but after a day or two discomfort appears and in the joint, most often the proximal one, the pain intensifies, the joint begins to ache and pulsate, the finger swells, turns pale or becomes bluish in color.

Arthritis of the joints

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common cause of symmetric pain in the finger joints of the upper extremities. The intensity of symptoms varies: in the first degree - only mild arthralgia and stiffness of movements (which, however, passes quickly), in the second - long periods of stiffness, redness of the affected joints, limitation of their mobility, constant pain (both in rest and movement), and with the third it becomes impossible to move the diseased joint, the stiffness and swelling do not disappear, the hyperemia and pain are constant and very noticeable.

Usually it is women who wonder about the causes and methods of treating pain in the joints of the fingers: the beautiful half of humanity most often suffers from gouty arthritis. It can affect one or several finger joints at the same time, causing sudden and intense pain, swelling, hyperemia, increased body temperature and immobilization of the affected finger.

The usual symptoms of the disease are pain increasing at night and at rest, but decreasing during the day and during movement, as well as swelling of the fingers, bluish or purple skin. The interphalangeal joints of the fingers are most affected. The finger gradually becomes deformed in several places.

Post-traumatic arthritis affects only one joint. In arthritis caused by allergic and infectious causes (for example, diseases of a viral and bacterial nature), several finger joints can be affected at the same time. Occupational peripheral arthritis only affects the joints that are most overloaded.

In any case, pain in the joints of the fingers, the cause of which is arthritis in one form or another, bothers mainly at night and disappears during the day, leaving only local swelling, difficulty moving and some stiffness in the morning. Long-term advanced arthritis leads to deformation of the fingers.

Joint degeneration due to disease

At the initial stage of arthrosis of the hands, pain in the fingers is characterized by short duration, periodicity and uncertainty. In the morning, joint movements are restricted. As arthrosis progresses, the pain becomes stronger and more prolonged, accompanying every movement of the fingers, its character is sometimes burning. Household tasks and small operations are increasingly difficult to carry out with the affected hand. Lateral deformations occur and Bouchard and Heberden knots become visible.

joint degeneration due to disease

Tendon and ligament pathologies

Pain in the palm and base of the finger is often caused by stenosing ligamentitis. Initially, the pain is only felt with some small amplitude movements and pressure, but gradually it begins to appear at rest. Movements are restricted, joints creak. The more the disease develops, the more noticeable the recoil after these clicks and the flexion contracture.

If the cause of pain in the joints of the fingers is De Quervain's disease, then the discomfort is initially noticeable only when bending and abducting this finger, but subsequently any movement causes intense and aching pain (and sometimes you don't even need to move anything , the joint also hurts at rest). The pain syndrome usually radiates to the distal phalanx, in some cases to the forearm on the side where the first finger grows.


When vasospasm occurs, Raynaud's syndrome occurs. Because of this, the fingers become cold and paroxysmally numb. The second phase of the attack is accompanied by intense pain with a bursting and burning effect. The attack doesn't last long. After this, the distal parts of the hands turn red and feel hot. The causes of this condition, which causes pain in the finger joints, are very diverse. Could it be:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • scleroderma;
  • Sharp syndrome;
  • antisynthetase syndrome;
  • obliterating thromboangiitis of the hands;
  • occupational diseases, pathologies of the metabolic and endocrine systems.

If the patient is not diagnosed with any of these diseases, the cause of pain in the finger joints is Raynaud's disease with its characteristic set of symptoms. Women are more susceptible to this.

Hematological, neurological and endocrine diseases can lead to erythromelalgia, but it can also occur on its own. The disease is expressed in the form of hyperemia and swelling of the fingers, burning, paroxysmal and paroxysmal pain, sometimes in both hands at the same time or first in one, and then in the second. The pain attack is so strong that it is simply impossible to move your fingers. You can relieve the pain by lifting or cooling the affected arm (when the limb is warmed and lowered, the pain gets worse).

Nervous diseases

If you feel a burning or stabbing pain in your finger joint, the cause is likely neurological. Especially if, in addition to pain, the sensitivity of the hand is impaired and vegetative-trophic disorders are observed.

This could be, for example, median nerve neuropathy. With this disease, the palmar side of the first to third fingers hurts and they cannot be bent. It is not possible to move the first finger forward and there are also serious problems when clenching the palm into a fist.

Nervous diseases lead to osteoarthritis

Attacks of pain in the finger joints at night and the disappearance of pain when clenching or lowering the hands may indicate carpal tunnel syndrome. With this type of median nerve neuropathy, the pain is also localized to the side of the palm.

If neuropathy has developed in the radial nerve, then, on the contrary, the back of the hand and the first finger (sometimes also the second and third) hurt, as long as the wrist or forearm is affected. The back of the hand may feel numb and the pain may radiate to the forearm, even if it is healthy.

If the cause of pain in the joints of the fingers is neuropathy of the ulnar nerve, then these pains (in the hand and in the fourth and fifth fingers) are of a radiating nature, and the main source of discomfort is localized in the elbow joint. The elbow and hand hurt especially in the morning.


In addition to malignant neoplasm of the hands (which people rarely suffer from), benign tumors can also cause pain in the joints of the fingers: chondroma or osteoid chondroma. The pain in the first case is mild and not localized, but osteoid osteomas, on the contrary, lead to sharp pains strictly in the affected area.

Other reasons

Writer's cramp, which accompanies a number of neurological and mental disorders (in particular, occupational neurosis), also causes pain in the finger joints in men and women and requires treatment. Writing, typing on the computer keyboard or typewriter becomes painful. A dull, dull pain is accompanied by sharp weakening, tremors in the hands and local cramps. Pain in the finger joints can also be caused by other pathologies:

  • leukemia (Waldenström macroglobulinemia);
  • neoplasms in the adrenal glands (aldosteroma);
  • complications of diabetes (diabetic neuropathy);
  • vascular injuries (distal digital embolism in case of occlusion of the subclavian artery);
  • hereditary diseases (Fabry disease);
  • typically childhood illnesses, e. g. neuroarthritic diathesis.
signs of hand osteoarthritis

Diagnosis and treatment of finger joint pain

A correct diagnosis will make it possible to determine the true causes of pain in the finger joints, whether it is inflammatory or another pathological process. If the pain is severe and it is difficult to straighten and bend your fingers, seek medical help. Your doctor will likely refer you for a test, which usually consists of:

  • laboratory tests of blood, urine, rheumatic tests;
  • radiography;
  • MRI,
  • computed tomography of the fingers.

Treatment tactics are aimed not only at relieving pain in the patient's finger joints, but also at eliminating their causes. For example, for inflammation, anti-inflammatories (hormonal or non-steroidal) are prescribed, and for infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

The main goal of therapy in case of dystrophic joint damage is the restoration of cartilaginous tissue, for which massage, physiotherapy and chondroprotectors are used. To restore joint mobility, special exercises are prescribed.

Physical therapy has proven to be the most effective way to treat small joints, including the fingers. These are electrosleep, magnetic resonance imaging and electrophoresis with novocaine, as well as a number of other procedures. During remission, it is advisable to undergo treatment in a sanatorium or resort with sources of radon or hydrogen sulfide.

how to diagnose osteoarthritis

As for the diet, for pain in the finger joints, whatever the causes, it is recommended:

  • eat more seafood and fish to get phosphorus, calcium and iron;
  • take apple cider vinegar to remove toxins from the body;
  • consume fish oil and flaxseed oil (the fatty acids contained in them help to normalize fat metabolism).

It is also very useful to add nuts, ginger, fruits (currants and pomegranates), radishes and lettuce to your diet. But it is advisable to limit mayonnaise, sweet and starchy foods, spicy and smoked foods, as well as fatty dairy products.

Preventing finger joint pain

Eliminate the causes of finger joint pain in men and women so that treatment is not required:

  • do not cool your hands too much;
  • limit alcohol consumption and, if you smoke, give up the habit;
  • maintain a balance of vegetables and fruits in your diet and less canned, spicy and fried foods;
  • treat all colds and acute respiratory viral infections, without waiting for the disease to disappear on its own;
  • Make sure your body weight is normal;
  • stop snapping your fingers.

Do a simple exercise to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome so you don't have to think about how to treat pain in your finger joints and what causes it. If you work on the computer a lot, this is a must. Clench all your fingers into a fist, raise your thumb as if in approval and rotate it first clockwise and then counterclockwise. There are many other exercises for the finger joints.

Exercises for finger joint pain

Make a fist

Open your palm, with your fingers extended, so that tension is felt in all joints and muscles. This simple action should not be accompanied by pain.

Do a simple stretch: close your palm into a fist for half a minute to a minute, so that your thumb rests on top of the rest, then open and extend all your fingers, spreading them apart. Do this at least four times for each hand.

Stretch your fingers

To make your finger joints more mobile and relieve pain when bending them (whatever the cause of the pain), repeat a simple exercise.

The palm is placed on a flat surface with the back facing up. The fingers should be straightened without straining the joints and kept that way for 30 to 60 seconds. Then relax your hand and return to the starting position. Repeat four times with each hand.

Use this exercise to relieve pain and improve joint mobility.

Draw claws

Another exercise for finger joint mobility.

Turn your palm with the inside facing you and bend your fingers so that the tips are at the base of the knuckles and the hand looks like a paw with claws. Hold for half a minute or a minute and repeat four times or more for each hand.

exercises for hands and fingers

Train your grip

Regardless of the reasons that cause pain in the finger joints, the person needs to somehow hold objects, operate door handles, etc. , so it is advisable to train your fingers.

Squeeze the soft ball as hard as you can for a few minutes. Let go. Repeat 10-15 times with each hand, two or three times a week (but with an interval of at least two days between sessions). Exercise is contraindicated for thumb joint injuries.


This exercise trains your finger muscles to make it easier to open various packages and doors with keys and refuel your car. Squeeze the soft ball with your thumb and any other finger, holding it for half a minute or a minute. For each hand you need to repeat the pinch 10-15 times. Just like the previous exercise, pinching is performed two to three times a week with a mandatory 48-hour break between sessions and only if the thumb joints are not injured.

Raise your finger

This exercise helps make your joints more mobile and your fingers flexible.

The palm is placed on a smooth surface with the back side facing up. You need to lift each finger one by one and put it back, but you can use all your fingers immediately at the same time. You need to do this 10 to 12 times with each hand.

Retract your thumb

This exercise trains the thumb muscles to make it easier to grip and lift objects (e. g. cans and bottles).

Wrap your palm and thumb with a rubber band and place them on a table or any flat surface with the back facing up. Using the resistance of the rubber band, move your thumb to the side, hold it there for half a minute or a minute, then relax, and so on 10-15 times with each hand. Exercise is done two or three times a week, but no more than once every 48 hours.

exercises for fingers with osteoarthritis

This exercise trains the thumb muscles to make it easier to grip and lift objects (e. g. cans and bottles).

Wrap your palm and thumb with a rubber band and place them on a table or any flat surface with the back facing up. Using the resistance of the rubber band, move your thumb to the side, hold it there for half a minute or a minute, then relax, and so on 10-15 times with each hand. Exercise is done two or three times a week, but no more than once every 48 hours.

Bend your thumb

Thumb mobility also needs to be developed.

Raise your palm in front of you, facing the back side down. Alternatively, move your thumb to the side and bend it toward your palm to touch the base of your little finger. After holding for half a minute or a minute, relax. Repeat these steps four times for each hand.

Tap with your thumb

Stiffness and pain in the joints of the fingers are caused by various reasons, but in any case, it is useful to train the thumbs so that everyday operations such as writing by hand, holding a spoon, brushing your teeth, etc. .

Place your palm in front of you, straightening your wrist, and touch your thumb to each other to form the letter O. After holding it for half a minute or a minute, relax your palm. Minimum four repetitions for each arm.

Stretch your thumb

Thumbs need stretching.

Raise your hand in front of you, turning your palm toward you, and bend your thumb toward your index finger for half a minute to a minute, then relax. Do this four times with each hand. Then, in the same position, stretch your thumb over your palm so that the lower joint is tense and hold for half a minute to a minute. There are also four repetitions.

The most common causes of finger joint pain when bending are not only injuries and infections, but also overwork. If your finger joint is sick, you need to act urgently: first of all, consult a specialized doctor - surgeon, neurologist or traumatologist. To relieve pain, make joints more mobile and muscles strong, exercise your fingers and palm regularly.